Monday, July 13, 2009

Bishop Turner

We got a new Stake Presidency about a month ago. I predicted correctly that my incredible institute teacher would be the new Stake President (I miss him in class!). What I didn't predict is that now-President Blair Morris would be taking our own Bishop Reed Merkley as a counselor.

But as soon as we knew that, I was pretty sure who the bishop would be!

I was right :)

Yesterday (July 12th), my Dad was set apart as the new Bishop in the Park Meadows Ward in the Centerville, UT Stake of Zion.

Love you, Daddy!


Lisa said...

Jess that is so exciting! What does your family think? Looks like you are going on some neat adventures! :)

Devin and Kati said...

Oh that's great! Your dad will do such a great job!