Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 1: More Random Facts About Me Than You Ever Wanted To Know :)

So, I'm horrible at staying up on a blog. Honestly, I don't know why I even have one... (yes I do... Camille, I blame you :) Loves!) But since I do, I might as well use it. To get me going, I decided to do the oh-so-trendy "30 Day Challenge (most recently demonstrated by the oh-so-lovely Lauren!). So here I am with Day 1: Post a picture of yourself along with 15 random facts.

1) I love Harry Potter. I know all sorts of random trivia, have read the books several times each, make a dang good Hermione, and went to a pre-screening or mid-night showing for 7 of the movies. (The above picture is me next to Dan/Emma/Rupert's hand/foot/wand prints at the Chinese Theater)

2) I'm very much a girly-girl (I think it was forced upon me as an only daughter)... shoes :)... (ask me how many pair I have... I MIGHT tell you...), though I've got a crazy tom-boy streak surrounding sports. Particularly NCAA Football/Basketball (NBA as well, though less extreme). I've shocked guys more than once when I've started throwing out stats, theories, etc. And I can build a mean bracket in March.

3) I played a year on a comp team for softball. We won. But I can't stand watching the game! BORING (and baseball... though the atmosphere is fun). I'm more for playing volleyball and basketball... but I did pretty much everything.

4) I'm EXTREMELY competitive.

5) I remember all the small details. Not just what people say, but also what they were wearing, how they were standing... etc. It may have something to do with the fact that I remember things in movie form... as an observer rather than an actor... does that make sense?

6) There is nothing I hate more than losing connections. Because of this, I'm in contact with a lot more people than most of my friends. While it was regular in HS/early college for people to contact me when they had questions about someone else, I STILL have people calling me for people's numbers/current locations, etc. since I always seem to know.

7) There is nothing I love more than making new connections and building new friendships/relationships.

8) I have a hard time believing that anyone likes me as much as I like them... as friends or otherwise. Because of this, I've unintentionally passed up some amazing opportunities which I didn't learn about until later.

9) I don't have a lot of confidence/self-esteem in general.

10) I LOVE to travel and have been in 16 countries and 30 states. I have a goal to go somewhere new (big or small) every year. I started this in 2006 and have so far been successful! ('06-Puerto Vallarta, '07-Study Abroad to Paris+5 other countries, '08-Thailand, '09-doubled up on 4 of my previous European countries and added 6 more, '10-Seattle, '11-Hawaii)

11) Speaking of traveling... and my SA... I have a bit of an obsession with all things French. But you probably already knew that.

12) The arts are my life. Music (singing, piano, flute, guitar... listening... arranging... composing... teaching...), dance (12yrs ballet, swing from Jr. High into college, ballroom from HS into college, teaching after school at the elementary school I teach at). Humanities in general really... the arts, art history, cultural backgrounds, literature... (call me crazy, but I love analyzing a good poem!)

13) I've wanted to be a teacher as long as I can remember despite my family trying to convince me to become an engineer or lawyer or SOMETHING (I'm one of those people who really could have gone into anything and done well. Don't hate.). And a mom. But (obviously) that opportunity hasn't arisen yet (I can't decide if teaching makes me more or less baby-hungry?)

14) I started off as an English-Teaching major and sometimes still wish I had done it. I plan on getting my Masters in English with an emphasis in Children's Lit. I want to write a book. And more poetry. (Actually, I have written a picture book. I just haven't done anything with it... confidence, remember? Yeah... I'm scared...)

15) I have the greatest friends and the most wonderful family ever. Seriously. Don't even try to argue. And my two best friends are probably my mom (we had way too much fun this summer) and my youngest brother (15, 6'4" and a crazy teen... yet he and I have this awesome bond and always have!)

Oh... and I'm a TRUE BLUE COUGAR!!! :)

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